This article provides you with the help of December umrah packages 2018, a specialized travel agency offering a variety of Hajj and Umrah packages. Contact us or visit us today for any information related to women's forbidden rules. We can make any special arrangements for our dear customers.

Mahram rules for women:

The issue of women's rights is one of the most controversial issues at present. Especially in the eastern region of the world, after the 18th century when European countries began to give women rights, the debate expanded. The rule of Islam on the right of women is 1400 years but the most effective and honest. The issue is of great importance and sometimes reaches high notes during the discussion. Most of the time, Islamic rules on women's rights are fully understood. The common narrative spread falsely in the European region is that Muslim women are oppressed. Here is how and what rights Islam gave to women before any religion or other society.

The first religion ever granted women rights:

Islam is the first religion to grant women rights. Before Islam spread to the Arabian Peninsula, women were denied all human rights. But when the Prophet Mohammed reached this world, women gave their basic rights.

Islam has stood against killing girls:

Before Islam, Arabs considered women inferior. Sometimes worse, he did not consider them human at all. Arabs in pre-Islamic society killed their newborn daughters. It was a habit to bury newborns alive. Islam ended the barbarian habit and put an end to it by preventing Muslim parents from killing or even harming their child.

Islam is the first religion that encourages women to learn:

He criticizes Islam today because it does not allow women to educate themselves. But according to the true spirit and understanding of Islam, education is a duty for every Muslim, regardless of male or female. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, "The search for knowledge is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim"

Mehram ruled in Islam:

Islam is a religion that protects the weak and who cannot protect themselves. All the teachings of Islam teach mercy and provide safety and security to the weak. Therefore, Islam forbade Muslim women from traveling on their own. Muslim women are free to go anywhere under the protection of a mahram.

Who is Mehram in Islam?

According to Islam, a mahram is a man, a woman cannot marry him because of the blood relationship, father-mother relations, and relationships formed by breastfeeding or relationships formed by marriage. These are dozens of full relationships that a woman cannot marry, father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, protector, grandchild, son-in-law, or any other woman breast-feeding with her.

Muharram Hajj rules for women:

Muslim women cannot travel alone, so Islam has made some rules that are forbidden to women. According to some scholars, Hajj is not obligatory for any woman who does not have any mahram to travel with her. On the contrary, some scholars say that such a woman can take care of another person to perform Hajj on her behalf.

Saudi Rules for the Sacred:

Contact us for expert guidance on Mehram rules for women and Hajj and Umrah packages.
The Government of Saudi Arabia has established some Mehram rules for pilgrims. According to the rules of the Saudi government, no woman under the age of 45 can perform Hajj without a mahram. Women over the age of 45 can travel in groups. But they also need to show the No Objection Certificate from mehram.
There are many other rules that prohibit Saudi women or pilgrims from boarding a plane without a mahram. Hajj and Umrah packages may vary due to distance and trip restrictions.

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